Deep Thinking On Camp Name Tags

Name tapes. These little strips of nylon or cloth will ensure that your child doesn't need a new outfit every week, regardless of whether they are at day camp or camp. Towels and underwear can also disappear mysteriously. Even though practical moms strive to think disposable when it comes camp clothing, it can be frustrating to have twelve bathing suits at the beginning of the season and three at the end. Name tapes are something I've been interested in for a while. These little suckers were something I discovered my first Stick on name labels summer at camp. My underwear fell onto the sports court while returning from camp laundry. It wasn't long until everyone realized it was my underwear, which had been sitting on the #3 tennis court for several days! I was 16 years old. I was just being hired by an established camp outfitter in town. Although I had hoped to work on the sales floor, I was quickly relegate...